Being the parent of a child partaking in Scouting activities for the first time can throw up a lot of questions. We have put here a few resources that you might find useful.
Parent Rotas
Rotas for Friday nights
Our uniform booklet showing badge positions and details of where uniform can be obtained
Scout Association's 'Safe and Sound' Leaflet
Scout Association's Child Protection Policy
Purchasing group items
Contact the GSL for purchasing t-shirts / scarves / black polo shirts / woggle
Scout Groups always have need for more help and we are no exception!
If you would like to help with this friendly local scout group please do make contact with the Group Scout Leader either in person on a Friday night or by email
Below is a link to some of the roles we would like to fill but this list is not exhaustive so if you have some other skill you feel we could use please feel free to ask. All these roles are voluntary but we do reimburse for legitimate expenses.
The contents of this web site are for information only and the '18th Edmonton (Methodist) Scout Group' does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused as a result of reading or use of these pages. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of these pages, the Group disclaim any warranty or representation, express or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose.
Created by Inspire Designs for 18th Edmonton Scouts